Ein spannendes Buch über die Lage im Kongo, seine natürlichen Reichtümer und die Sucht nach Coltan der westlichen Welt. Ein faszinierender Polit-Thriller.
Magma Coltan is one of the leading coltan companies in Costa Rica providing high quality coltan produced in South America. For more information on coltan mines call us today at (506) 2505-5793.
Boss Mines SPRL is a registered indigenous mining company, specializes in mining of non-ferrous metal like gold, Diamond Coltan and Timber with several mining sites in mining communities of eastern Congo. We also buy from non formal miners or community mi
Jukami INTERNATIONAL S.L LIMITED. COLTAN EXPORTS, DIAMOND EXPORTS, GOLD EXPORTS. Empresa profesional dedicada a la imprtación y exportación de minerales preciosos. Con sede en Sierra Leona y españa. Contacte con nosotros para tener información detallada d
Ibrali International is a company in Kinshasa, Congo that deals in gold mining and selling, diamond mining and selling, supply copper cathodes, wood, cobalt and coltan all from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Jiangxi Shicheng Mine Machinery Factory is one of the manufacturer and supplier of high frequency screen, coltan processing plant, copper flotation plant, gold mining shaker table, magnetic ore separator, screw washing machine, gold separation equipment,
Gold Dust Bar exporters - Osmuminerals Ltd suppliers of Coltan Ore Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone Rough Diamonds, wholesale Coltan Ore supplier, Gold Dust Bar exporter, Gold Dust Bar, Coltan Ore
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