Welcome to our research project! This is a collaborative initiative between the University of Southampton and the Tea Research Association. In a nutshell, the project is investigating the impacts of climate change on tea production and livelihoods in Nort
International Conference on Agriculture for Climate Change, Impacts Management, Community Leadership & Knowledge Economy To strengthen locally relevant mitigation & adaptation, sustainable agriculture, climate Change, public Leadership, climate change imp
I am Derek Young, a Ph.D. student with Truman Young and Andrew Latimer in the Ecology Graduate Group at UC Davis. I am working to understand how climate change will impact California forests. Will species be able to migrate or adapt fast enough to keep pa
Climate Change Philosophy ,Adaptability to Climate Change John Waller New York, NY earth climate in new york Earth Climate, Ocean Solar - Saveourplanetdourpart.com -Under Construction - New York, Ny
Diana BOU KARAM is an environmental scientist, physicist, specialized in atmosphere dynamics and aerosols study. She uses an observations/modelisation approach to determine the global and local radiative effects of Aerosols on the climate. She use meso