I am Derek Young, a Ph.D. student with Truman Young and Andrew Latimer in the Ecology Graduate Group at UC Davis. I am working to understand how climate change will impact California forests. Will species be able to migrate or adapt fast enough to keep pa
ForestsClimateChange.org is an online information hub for news, debate, research and tools on forests and climate change. Our aim is to create a website that people trust and that provides them not only with the most up-to-date forests and climate change
ForestsClimateChange.org is an online information hub for news, debate, research and tools on forests and climate change. Our aim is to create a website that people trust and that provides them not only with the most up-to-date forests and climate change
From environmental lessons, health, class revision and global matters, we have selected interesting topics and explained them in a fun illustrative way.
Amazon-PIRE is an international partnership between scientists in the U.S. and in Brazil which seeks to: Understand the future of Amazon forests under climate change by integrating observations of Amazon forest response to droughts with experiments in the
In Africa, our work focuses on strengthening health systems and expanding access to lifesaving treatments; providing farmers with tools they need to increase their incomes and strengthen their communities; and addressing climate change by making forests a
Eikosphere welcomes visitors interested in preserving the sustainable and economic values of forests as we continue to pursue climate change issues into the future.
A regional research project on tropical forests and the synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation: supporting REDD+ and adaptation projects and policies in the Congo Basin.
A regional research project on tropical forests and the synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation: supporting REDD+ and adaptation projects and policies in the Congo Basin.
Global Landscapes Forum – connecting sectors for sustainable forests, climate change adaptation and mitigation, restoration, food security, finance and measuring results
In Africa, our work focuses on strengthening health systems and expanding access to lifesaving treatments; providing farmers with tools they need to increase their incomes and strengthen their communities; and addressing climate change by making forests a
Forest Day 6, Global comparative research on forests, climate change, REDD, carbon emissions, deforestation, forest Degradation, forest mitigation, adaptation, social safeguards, carbon credits
Forest Day 6, Global comparative research on forests, climate change, REDD, carbon emissions, deforestation, forest Degradation, forest mitigation, adaptation, social safeguards, carbon credits
Forest Day 6, Global comparative research on forests, climate change, REDD, carbon emissions, deforestation, forest Degradation, forest mitigation, adaptation, social safeguards, carbon credits