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This summer, I plan to attempt a canoe-sailing circumnavigation of most of mainland Britain: sailing from the end of my garden, near the Solent, in early June and returning to home by the end of August.
A website about Seayanika, a Cal 46
sailboat being constructed in Vista, CA for an 8-10 year circumnavigation of the globe.
Come check out the adventure.
This is Donald Kang sailing site - to sail around the world alone in a sailboat. These are stories about the yacht circumnavigation and other adventures, including adventures to the North Pole and the Himalayas.
Circumnavigation - Welcome onboard the sailing vessel Pinta. In 2005 I sold my house, my car and set of on a voyage, a voyage to sail around our world.
An unforgettable journey - Experience Iceland and Greenland onboard the Ocean Diamond. Iceland ProCruises offers unique trips to Iceland and Greenland. Circumnavigate Iceland or combine these two exciting North Atlantic destinations during one trip.
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