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Impact Church strives to stand apart from typical churches in Greensboro. We value service and community and offer online sermons for those who can’t attend in person.
Calvary Baptist Church is located on Rt 52 in Iaeger WV and our current pastor is Daniel Dean. We have posted several sermons online to spread God's Word.
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The Open Door Baptist Church, Mount Gambier, Audio Sermons, Articles, bulletin board, prayer and fasting guide, Independent, Premillennial, Pastor Robert Cotton
Shofar Christian Church Sermons, Shofar Christian Church is an International Federation of Christian Churches (IFCC) affiliated, bible-believing, non-denominational Christian Church.
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Shofar Christian Church Sermons, Shofar Christian Church is an International Federation of Christian Churches (IFCC) affiliated, bible-believing, non-denominational Christian Church.
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With Thousands of Free Audio Sermons, Illus
We believe Life Gate Church is the best family community church in the area. On our web site you can learn about Life Gate, read, listen, or watch over 700 free sermons including Mother's Day, Father's Day, all other days and much, much more. You can also