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China doll chows breeds and raises quality chow chow puppies.We specialize in cream chow chows. China Doll Chows are farm raised and not in kennels. We have added the rare and elegant smooth coat chow chow to our breeding program.
Located along the beautiful Hill Country Northwest of San Antonio, TX - Fu San Chows, Chows, Chow Chows, Dogs and Puppies, - Sales and Adoption, Show Quality Chows,
AKC Registered, Chow breeder, dog breeder, show breeder,
Kuteaz Chow Chows Breeders and Exhibitors of Quality Chow Chows for 20 years . Friendly Companions, Show or Pets. Breeding from American, Canadian, Japanese, Russian English Bloodlines. Puppies and Stud dogs Available. Hps Scored. Sydney Australia