Internet Slang words - Internet Dictionary. Internet Slang. A list of common slang words, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and internet forums.
Computer & Tech Dictionary - the high tech online dictionary with thousands of computer and technology words, text messaging, IM, chat, SMS, abbreviations, acronyms, TLD domain list, filenames
Welcome to the best online bingo guide on the web! Here you will get the history of bingo, how to play bingo and all the bingo chat acronyms that you will need to know when you play online bingo.
This website have most of the definitions that are used internet acronyms abbreviations, such as AFAIK BTW IMHO ROTFL etc. They are used primariliy on Usenet and Internet Relay Chat
A FREE comprehensive list of acronyms for computer, telephony, internet, web sites, programming and networking with links to definitions, meanings and additional information about each acronym.
Some of the messages that would have been found on the outside of letters passing between loved ones in the last century and their modern equivalents covering chat jargon, sms and emoticons.
Some of the messages that would have been found on the outside of letters passing between loved ones in the last century and their modern equivalents covering chat jargon, sms and emoticons.
At DIG, you will find a vast array of information. From Internet Tips and Tricks, A Free Item Search Engine, Chat Lingo and Internet Terms explained, to 'This Day in History', and Weather Information for the U.S., Canada and the World, as well a