Cecilia Booth is a Toronto based versatile artist whose creations cover multiple media and genres including landscapes, watercolours, abstracts, dreamscapes, face painting for children, ceramic and papier mache masks, portraits, clocks and jewellery. Her
The complete collection of Shirlee Frank’s art (including: Watercolors, Prints, Ceramic sculptures, Ceramic whistles, Ceramic masks, and Paintings) is now available for sale at Galleree Shirlee in Atlanta, GA.
Anda, architect, artist living in Paris and New York, conceives her ceramic work as ex-voto sculptures, inspired by images from daily life. They are Masks of Reality, collections of memories of (...)
Venetian Masks, decorative handmade hats & wreaths, oil & acrylic paintings and other types of handcrafts. Jenny Synodinou uses ceramic and gypsum for her creations.
Pam Sauer, California ceramic sculpture artist. Her ceramic sculpture has an organic, simple elegance found in her figures, masks, animals, vases and vessels.
First solo exhibit of Wayne A. DeSilva. A selection of ceramic masks created over the past 20 years. Some masks are ruku fired. Waynes passion for art is shown in this collection. His ability to sculpt clay into fascinating masks is unbelievable.
Carol Wichern has been creating artistry in mud since the age of 11 months. She specializes in clay angels. Her sense of humor and love of the past comes into play with many of her masks.
Independent ceramics artist, born in Varna, Bulgaria. Obsessed with creating unique handcrafted masks. Inspired by the diversity of cultures, she attempts to materialize with clay the abstract idea of the different Faces of the World
African American woman artist/anthropologist who uses ceramic sculpture to grapple with questions concerning Africa, the African Diaspora and humanity.