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A very unique and natural stuttering cure therapy to stop stuttering, using only alternative medicine remedies to obtain rapid and sustained relief in the privacy of one's home.
Dr. John Haskell – 171 Madison Avenue, Suite 1312, New York, NY 10016~ p. 646.424.9772. Speech Pathologist. Avoid surgery. Practice includes children, adults, adolescents, actors, politicians, television personalities: stuttering, voice disorders, voic
The Journal of Stuttering Therapy, Advocacy & Research (JSTAR) is a free online quarterly publication offering practical therapy ideas and original research on the nature and advocacy of stuttering and stuttering-related issues.
The Hausdorfer stuttering therapy helps stutters overcome stuttering. The Hausdorfer therapy is the only therapy to offer a completely natural approach to becoming free from stuttering. The program is offered in Calgary, Canada and the rest of the world.
Judy Sullivan Speech Therapy Center in Pacifica, California, helps both children and adults overcome a stutter problem with stuttering therapy that includes breathing modification and emotional support.
Stuttering Therapy provided by Lillian Agresta for child stuttering in Long Island New York. Private practice, specializing in fluency disorders like stuttering.
Welcome to the MPI stuttering therapy website. We offer the MPI (Modifying Phonation Intervals) Stuttering Treatment Program for the treatment of chronic stuttering in adults and adolescents. The MPI stuttering therapy is based on the many years of resear
Welcome to the MPI stuttering therapy website. We offer the MPI (Modifying Phonation Intervals) Stuttering Treatment Program for the treatment of chronic stuttering in adults and adolescents. The MPI stuttering therapy is based on the many years of resear