Naviance is a comprehensive K-12 college and career readiness solution that helps districts and schools align student strengths and interests to postsecondary goals, improving student outcomes and connecting learning to life.
Pointe empowers ballet dancers to achieve their career goals through developing their technique, their artistry, and their self-confidence. Ballet at its best.
Black Women's Network is a Los Angeles-based non profit organization that offers women quality, power networking, resources and advertising avenues for helping you actualize your career and personal goals. Call Black Women's Network at 323.964.4003 24 ho
Laura helps you set and achieve goals to create the business / career success you crave. Start with her new FREE report 7 Steps to Switch to the Fast Lane
Blog for Personal Peak Performance, Career Development, Time Management, Life Coaching & Trainings, Create Mission(s) & Goals Settings, Business Leadership and Management, Family Matters, Purpose(s) or Meanings of Life (by Maratib Ali Shad)
Business and Career Coach Nancy Linnerooth - one-on-one help with business and career goals, including forming plans, completing goals, overcoming self-sabotage, identifying the right job, and becoming who you want to be.