Lansing Community College exists so that all people have educational and enrichment opportunities to improve their quality of life and standard of living. Where Success Begins! Serving the Learning needs of a Changing Community. Located in Lansing, MI, th
China Institute advances a deeper understanding of China through programs in education, culture, business and art in the belief that cross-cultural understanding strengthens our global community.
The American Global Institute is a nonprofit organization focused on promoting trade and business relations between America and the global community, and in educating the public about the strategic importance of beneficial trade relations.
Better U is unique FREE community Organised and supported by Eton Institute event where you can try loads of FREE activities and learn new skills that stimulate your MIND, BODY and SOUL. Learn a foreign language, take a crash course in business etiquette
Andryte Kaur of Kaur Wellness has been in business since 2011, providing the very best in Holistic Health Care services to the community. With a degree in Holistic Healthcare from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, she meets each clien
Welcome to the Applied Ethics Institute of St. Petersburg College. Our mission is to promote the teaching of ethics at all levels of education, in business, in the community and on the Web.
The Spaces Between is a community media project funded for 2014 by a grant from the Faculty of Creative Industries and Business at Unitec Institute of Technology in Tamaki Makaurau, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. Six Unitec community research projects in
Saphy Consultants has been an active consultancy from 1997 and a department of Saphy Education Institute itself a registered mid level college that trains in business and community development courses.
For more than 20 years Ulster Business has been serving the needs of the business community in Northern Ireland. Twice recognised by the Institute of Public Relations as the best business publication in the province, it combines high design and production
Institut Bisnis dan Ekonomi Kerakyatan (called IBEKA) or in English as People Centered Economic and Business Institute, together with JICA, GTZ, TEPCO, UN ESCAP,and other partners were closely cooperates each other and success in the various community dev
Welcome to the Applied Ethics Institute of St. Petersburg College. Our mission is to promote the teaching of ethics at all levels of education, in business, in the community and on the Web.
The Institute for Career Advancement Needs, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1981 whose purpose is to provide information and training for women and men who aspire to leadership in business and the community.
The ULB Institute is implementing an online community market platform to transform the way business and local economies operate.
It is part of the New Economy/Glocalisation movement that seeks to empower local communities, enhance local economies and co
As a worldwide association of members, the Institute of Directors (IoD) provides a professional network that reaches into every corner of the business community. Our membership spans the whole spectrum of international business leadership.
The Institute of Directors (IoD) is a Professional Institute with Members which promotes directors, develops corporate governance, represents our members and business to government, enhances the climate for entrepreneurial activity and provides services t
The Institute of Directors (IoD) is a Professional Institute with Members which promotes directors, develops corporate governance, represents our members and business to government, enhances the climate for entrepreneurial activity and provides services t