BugZip luggage and clothing encasements provide advance resistance to bed bugs. They help protect against bring bedbugs home from travel and also help protect clean clothing at home prior, during and after treatment for bed bugs. Available in four sizes.
BugZip luggage and clothing encasements provide advance resistance to bed bugs. They help protect against bring bedbugs home from travel and also help protect clean clothing at home prior, during and after treatment for bed bugs. Available in four sizes.
BugZip luggage and clothing encasements provide advance resistance to bed bugs. They help protect against bring bedbugs home from travel and also help protect clean clothing at home prior, during and after treatment for bed bugs. Available in four sizes.
USBedBugs.com offers bed bug products for protection, treatment and prevention including encasements, sprays, traps, travel bags and more. Order online or call 888-5-USBEDBUGS.
USBedBugs.com offers bed bug products for protection, treatment and prevention including encasements, sprays, traps, travel bags and more. Order online or call 888-5-USBEDBUGS.