We are pleased to announce the BPIF Excellence Awards 2012, which reward and showcase the most innovative and creative companies across the print media spectrum.
The main objectives of BPIF Engraved Stationery are to promote and market the British Engraved Stationery industry more widely throughout the print and design industries, encourage best practice and create an environment which enables the exchange of view
The main objectives of BPIF Engraved Stationery are to promote and market the British Engraved Stationery industry more widely throughout the print and design industries, encourage best practice and create an environment which enables the exchange of view
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The Printing Industry Pension Scheme (PIPS) is available for printing companies (without a qualifying scheme), and has the BPIF and Unite trade union endorsing it and supplying the management committee governance.
The Print Futures Awards were launched in 2003 to help people fund any costs associated with a relevant training course in printing, publishing or the graphic arts
BFIP - Baza Firm i Przedsiębiorców - wyszukiwarka firm, branżowy katalog firm. Baza firm zawiera firmy, adresy i telefony firm, przedsiębiorstw i instytucji