Bovi-Bond is a state of the art fast-setting adhesive used to glue
rubber and wood blocks to bovine hooves. This strong adhesive sets
quickly and secures a solid bond. It
Bovi-Bond is a state of the art fast-setting adhesive used to glue
rubber and wood blocks to bovine hooves. This strong adhesive sets
quickly and secures a solid bond. It
Bovi-Bond is a state of the art fast-setting adhesive used to glue
rubber and wood blocks to bovine hooves. This strong adhesive sets
quickly and secures a solid bond. It
Bovi-Bond of Vettec is a state of the art fast setting adhesive used to glue wood blocks to bovine hooves. This strong adhesive sets in thirty seconds and secures a solid bond.
Klauenpflege Michael Ortner. Die au�Ÿerordentliche Klauenpflege für alle Arten von Kühen oder Rinder. Mit neuster Technik, die sich durch einen leisen aber schnellen hydraulischen Klauenstand auszeichnet.