Kwanza boerboels are a registered south african boerboel breeder with years of experience in breeding with large dog breeds. Boerboels are the most magnificent dog breed in the world, and are bred according to the sabt standards.
Breeding purebred dogs - Boerboels and Caucasian Shepherds- was born out of passion and love. We offer puppies only with pedigree and from the healthy parents. We provide our sires for matings.
14years later we have buildt one of the most beautiful kennels for our dogs, specialized welping facilities for the raise of our pups. Afrika Boerboels has expanded into a full breeding program showing generations of the quality we have bred so far and co
Welcome to Gratitude Farms Cane Corsos and African Boerboels. We are located in East Bethel, Minnesota.
We are dedicated to breeding Cane Corsos and South African Boerboels with exceptionally sound, loving and docile temperaments. We believe that tempera
At HIS Kennels, our passion for dogs is tremendous, unwavering and continues to grow. The kennel was established for enjoyment and breed betterment.
The strength of our kennel comes from our breeding program where extensive research and planning goes
This is a website for all dog lovers, you can get your dogs right here as well as view various breeds and place your order. We also breed various types of dogs from boerboel to chow chow among others