BKH vom Elbenbruch. Britisch Kurzhaar Zucht. Kitten und Katzenbabys in den Farben black silver shaded, black golden tabby ticked, black, blue, chocolate und lilac
American Shorthair - Silver, Blue, Brown Tabby
We breed and show American Shorthair Cats. We are registered with CFA & TICA. Our cattery is located in Marysville, Washington. American Shorthair kittens are also available for sale as pets .
Breeding quality Ragdoll Cats & Kittens that TRULY do pocess UNIQUE TEMPERAMENT, SIZE and BEAUTY!!! Specializing in all 3 Patterns including the Lynx(tabby) in Seal, Blue, Lilac & Chocolate.
This is a Cattery of Siberian and Norwegian Forest Cats.
Kittens in many colors, which are CFA Registered, Purebred from Imported Championship Pedigrees. Colors are reds, red silvers, silver, black and brown tabby, blue, seal, and flame points.
Delphinium Cats, British Shorthair Cats, British Shorthair Breeder, British shorthair kittens, Jolanta Axon,
British Blue, Black silver tabby and brown/blue tabbies and spotties,
Quality kittens raised in family home,
In West Midlands.
Small cattery in Southern Ontario Canada. Specializing in breeding and showing Exotic Shothair cats and Kittens. CCA AND CFA. Current Colors Brown Mac Tabby-White, Bi-colors, Blue Tabby White and Black.
norwegian forest,
anne harper,
white kittens ,
brown tabby cats
blue norwegian forest cats
black smoke norwegian forest cats
Cascade Mountain Maine Coons has award winning Maine Coon cats. Beautiful Maine Coon cats and kittens raised in a loving home in Southern California just outside of San Diego, California.
American Bobtail Cat, Breeder of big, loveable,
beautiful,colorful natural bobtailed CATS. Lynx Points BLUE eyes,Spotted Mackerel Tabbies,and more. Arcadia, Florida
CFA and CCA Registered hobby cattery in Ontario working to produce healthy, well socialized Chocolate and Lilac Persian kittens who fit the breed standard.
MG Birmans is a Widely awarded birman cattery originally from Argentina now located in South Florida USA. AFA(Fife) and CFA pedigrees. Adorable birman kittens in a rainbow of colors only available for true cat lovers.
Quality cat health care guide online-The kitten Specialist. View our range of feline accessories, behavioural solutions and advice for all your little felid needs online today. Cattery website offers articles, pictures, advice and more