The IABPA is an organization of forensic experts specializing in the field of bloodstain pattern analysis. The purpose of this page is to introduce you to the IABPA and inform you about our association.
BPA Consulting, Norman Reeves, Forensic Consultant,Tucson, Arizona, expert in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA), Crime Scene Reconstruction, Computer Imaging and Enhancement - Training in crime scene investigations. Licensed and bonded private investigator. Expert witness, specializing in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and shooting scene reconstruction. Forensics expert.
Hunter Productions - Discover the story behind Scott Watson, New Zealand's most blatantly dishonest prosecution in Trial by Trickery and Murder on the Blade, or read about Arthur Allan Thomas and the Crewe murders of 1970 in The Case of the Missing Bloods
Hunter Productions - Discover the story behind Scott Watson, New Zealand's most blatantly dishonest prosecution in Trial by Trickery and Murder on the Blade, or read about Arthur Allan Thomas and the Crewe murders of 1970 in The Case of the Missing Bloods
Hunter Productions - Discover the story behind Scott Watson, New Zealand's most blatantly dishonest prosecution in Trial by Trickery and Murder on the Blade, or read about Arthur Allan Thomas and the Crewe murders of 1970 in The Case of the Missing Bloods
Hunter Productions - Discover the story behind Scott Watson, New Zealand's most blatantly dishonest prosecution in Trial by Trickery and Murder on the Blade, or read about Arthur Allan Thomas and the Crewe murders of 1970 in The Case of the Missing Bloods
The National Forensic Support Laboratory is the first private full service forensic lab in the United States. As a full service forensic crime lab our services include DNA analysis, bloodstain pattern analysis, controlled substance identification and qua
Forensic Evidence Consultants specializing in Case Review and Evaluation,Crime Scene and Shooting Scene Reconstruction, Crime Scene Investigation Performance Audits, Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Physical Evidence Evaluation, Expert Testimony.
Forensic Worx is a leading supplier of tools for crime scene investigations. Products include fingerprint and bloodstain discovery tools as well as ballistics equipment.
Forensic Crime Laboratories is a leading supplier of tools for crime scene investigations. Products include fingerprint and bloodstain discovery tools as well as ballistics equipment.
The mission of SWGSTAIN is to promote and
enhance the development of quality forensic
bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) practices
through the collaborative efforts of
government forensic laboratories, law
enforcement, private industry,
This is the official web site for the International Association for Identification. The IAI is the world's oldest and largest forensic organization, with over 6700 members world-wide
Akin Investigations is an Austin Texas private investigations company that offers blood pattern analysis, shooting reconstruction, spying, bugging and wiretap countermeasure sweeps.