ParaCENTRAL.Com is a provider of handcrafted and manufactured merchandise, e-services with a Website Builder and a informational Support Community for vendors, small businesses, start-ups and established companies
Free Black-Scholes stock option analysis functions for Excel. Calculate put & call premium, historical volatility, implied volatility, greeks, & more. VBA open-source formulas work just like native Excel functions.
Marble is a metamorphic rock historically used in ancient buildings by the Greeks and Romans. Marble encompasses a vast spectrum of colours from white to black , with mineral veining generally contrasting to the base stone colour. The variety of marble st
The Option Pricing Models App displays pricing and Greeks (delta, gamma, vega, and theta) for multiple option pricing models (Black-Scholes, Monte Carlo simulation, binomial tree (including higher order), trinomial tree, finite difference (explicit, impli
Analyze options trades with up to 20 trade legs with my Excel Option Calculator. Features include: Flexible Risk and Greeks Graphs, Probability Calculator, Statistical (=Historical) Volatility Analysis, What-if Analysis Tool, and more. Automatic data retr
A site for geeks all over the world to find and share gadgets, shirts, gifts, baby items, totes, electronics, Greek paraphernalia, vacation resources, jobs, pics, and ideas.
Leading manufacturer of custom Greek clothing, sorority apparel, fraternity shirts, and other Greek paraphernalia. We are the only Greek store that allows you to embroider custom artwork on all of your Greek gear.
Leading manufacturer of custom Greek clothing, sorority apparel, fraternity shirts, and other Greek paraphernalia. We are the only Greek store that allows you to embroider custom artwork on all of your Greek gear.
Leading manufacturer of custom Greek clothing, sorority apparel, fraternity shirts, and other Greek paraphernalia. We are the only Greek store that allows you to embroider custom artwork on all of your Greek gear.
Leading manufacturer of custom Greek clothing, sorority apparel, fraternity shirts, and other Greek paraphernalia. We are the only Greek store that allows you to embroider custom artwork on all of your Greek gear.
Leading manufacturer of custom Greek clothing, sorority apparel, fraternity shirts, and other Greek paraphernalia. We are the only Greek store that allows you to embroider custom artwork on all of your Greek gear.