Precious Cells BioBank is a leading stem cell storage company specialising in storing stem cells throughout all stages of life. We are the World's first Accredited Biobank and the only UK company to offer 5 different stem cell services globally.
Precious Cells BioBank is a leading stem cell storage company specialising in storing stem cells throughout all stages of life. We are the World's first Accredited Biobank and the only UK company to offer 5 different stem cell services globally.
The WCB is a cancer tissue biobank storing samples collected from patients in Wales where cancer is a possible diagnosis and researchers can apply to use them for their cancer-related projects.
The WCB is a cancer tissue biobank storing samples collected from patients in Wales where cancer is a possible diagnosis and researchers can apply to use them for their cancer-related projects.
The WCB is a cancer tissue biobank storing samples collected from patients in Wales where cancer is a possible diagnosis and researchers can apply to use them for their cancer-related projects. is your first and best source for information about Biobank . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!
Cord Blood Banking with Core23 BioBank, the Midwest's only private family bank, protects your child & family by storing their blood cord cells. Call today!
UCORBIO staat voor Utrecht Coronary Biomarkers Study, ook wel Dotterbehandeling (PCI) -biobank genoemd. Bij deze studie wordt er lichaamsmateriaal, in dit geval bloed, bloedcellen en DNA verzameld voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Bloed wordt afgenomen tij