Tropical fish guide for Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, with descriptions and information on Betta fish care, diet, habitat and betta fish diseases.
Let's get to the facts fast because life is short. Betta fish care is important to know if you want your fish to live a happy long life. Lets start by looking at
If you're after information about Keeping and breeding Betta Fish aka Siamese Fighting Fish then I've reviewed these two eBooks - Books. You can find out what they cover here.
Betta fish or bettas from Siams Best Bettas. Our mission is to preserve the game Siamese Fighting Fish strain and
promote responsible ownership of this breed.
A comprehensive site dedicated to the breeding and raising of Betta Splendens, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish. You will find a Stock Shop, full color photos, breeding walkthrough, FAQ, disease info, genetics, references, downloads and much more.
Superbetta, breeder of quality fish bettas in Mexico, reproduction, stock shop, sale, genetic information, bubblenest, siamese fighting fish, tropical freshwater fish, beta fish, betta fish by Federico Cuanalo.
The First Tank Guide is a beginner's guide to setting up a new aquarium. If you have other questions, a convenient form will allow you to send questions to an experienced aquarist.
Betta Fish Expert offers the most comprehensive EBook on keeping Betta Fish healthy & disease-free. Users can learn about the various Betta Fish care facts & secrets like the right Betta water & aquarium, how to breed Bettas & much more.
Betta Town: for all your betta fish care information. Find betta fish care information for female betta fish or male betta fish as well as information on betta fish disease.