Benevolent Technologies is a San Francisco Bay Area firm offering Internet development and management services to small and midsized organizations with an emphasis on creativity, sustainability, and social justice.
Benevolent Baskets is a gift basket business providing employment for the clients of My Sister's Place Women's Center in Baltimore. The opportunity to work for Benevolent Baskets will be granted to homeless women following their successful completion of
The Auxiliary Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York is the labor union that represents the Auxiliary Police of the New York City Police Department, NYPD.
The Coral Springs Professional Firefighters Benevolent Association, a non-profit organization, raising funds and gathering donations for charities, organizations and people in need.
The Semendre Benevolent Society is a non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve the heritage and history of the Semendre people from Asia Minor. The organization was founded in 1913 in Tacoma, Washington, after seven years of Semendre immigrants
The Lakeway Police Memorial and Benevolent Foundation was created to accept donations from any outside source interested in supporting employees, families and friends of the Lakeway Police Department in the case of emergency or misfortune.