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Belly Button Rings Specialist. Unique, quality belly button rings that you can afford. Offering hard to find sizes and custom designs for the belly. Complete line of body jewelry for the tongue, nose, ears and navel
You can find a thousands collection of belly button rings, nose rings, lip rings and tongue rings at wholesale prices in this site. Free shipping only start at $9.99
Flexible PTFE maternity / pregnancy belly button rings, personalized mothers bracelets, affordable maternity jewelry and more. Great gifts for a mom, grandmother or mom-to-be
Flexible PTFE maternity / pregnancy belly button rings, personalized mothers bracelets, affordable maternity jewelry and more. Great gifts for a mom, grandmother or mom-to-be
Navel piercing also known as belly button piercing is a type of body piercing which is one of the most common and popular body piercings today. We offer the largest variety of navel piercing jewelry in lengths, diameters and colors at affordable price.
When fourth grader Artie's belly button falls out, it's up to gruff but amiable Detective Fred to bring him back alive. A hybrid between a children's picture book and a YA novel, The Belly Button that Escaped is from kids from kindergarten to sixth grade.