Natural Hoof Care for Canterbury New Zealand :: AANHCP Technique Healthy horses from the ground up in the spirit of, and with guidance from, Natural Hoof Care Expert and Advocate Jaime Jackson. Natural Hoof Care is more than just getting your horse trimme
Erik Pedersen is a hoofcare professional doing barefoot hoof trimming in Carmel, Hollister, San Benito, Monterey and Santa Cruz California. Also now in Half Moon Bay, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties.
Basic Horse Care tips, barefoot hoof care, horse nutrition and more to make life better for the horse in your care! A holistic approach to whole horse hoof and horse care.
Tools for barefoot horse owners and hoof care professionals.
Radius Rasps | Bar & Sole Rasps | Hoof Buffers
Introducing Evo Hoof Care Work Stations and Hoof Stands!
Tools for barefoot horse owners and hoof care professionals.
Radius Rasps | Bar & Sole Rasps | Hoof Buffers
Introducing Evo Hoof Care Work Stations and Hoof Stands!
Basic Horse Care tips, barefoot hoof care, horse nutrition and more to make life better for the horse in your care! A holistic approach to whole horse hoof and horse care.
Siobhan Dillon, applied equine podiatrist, specialist in hoof care and barefoot hoof trimming for all types of horses. Qualified instructor runs 3-day courses for horse owners in the theory of applied equine podiatry and management of the shoeless horse.
Natural Horse Professionals, all about natural horse and hoof care, tips tricks treatment boarding and more., Equine Soundness Association 3-Day Hoof Clinic. Learn about Barefoot Hoof Care & Natural Horse Keeping.
Chuck Willis is a Natural hoofcare practitioner in the AANHCP certification program in Portland, Oregon. Natural hoof care, holistic horse care and hoof trimming using the wild horse barefoot hoof care model. He trims horses with the mustang as his mode