Bamfords - Yass, New South Wales, Australia. Business services, information, internet, advertising. Manufacturers of the Bamford Hi-Ram Pump, a new, simple, and economical pump that is powered by water.
Bamfords is Derbyshire's leading Auctioneers and Valuers specialising in the sale of Fine Art and antiques. We offer expert advice in the valuation of all areas of fine art, antiques and collectables. Bamfords offer a regular auction sales programme at bo
Bamfords - Yass, New South Wales, Australia. Manufacturers of the Hi-Ram Pump, an economical pump that is powered solely by the water entering the pump. An Australian invention, Australian Patent No 741896
Bamford’s Collision Service, located at 20 Avonlea Court, Fredericton, New Brunswick, is celebrating over 30 years of quality collision repairs. We repair your car to pre-accident condition. Quality Repairs and Refinishing - Free Estimates - No Appointmen
Ram Pumps are operated by the energy in a flow of water entering from above the pump. They use no external source of power such as electricity, petrol or diesel.
Site Map and 404 Error Page. Information about the interests of John Bamford and Associates, and Bamford Industries - Yass, New South Wales, near Canberra, Australia.