Omaha, NE, Acupuncture & Chiropractor. Promote the body’s own ability to heal. Joint, Neck, Back Pain, Stress, Disease, Infertility, Medical Recovery. Latest research in health and human performance
Omaha, NE, Acupuncture & Chiropractor. Promote the body’s own ability to heal. Joint, Neck, Back Pain, Stress, Disease, Infertility, Medical Recovery. Latest research in health and human performance
Treating a wide range of health related issues, quit smoking, lose weight, pain management, digestion, women's health, asthma & allergies. Located in 792 Pompton Avenue Cedar Grove, NJ - Margaret Amireh, Dipl. Ac., C.A., B.S.
Chiropractor Dr. Trina and Balanced Body Center provide acupuncture, massage, and other alternative medicine techniques for pain management in Denver, CO.
Located in downtown Toronto on King Street East, Balanced Body offers chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathic, physiotherapy and massage therapy services.
Located in downtown Toronto on King Street East, Balanced Body offers chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathic, physiotherapy and massage therapy services.
Arlington, TX chiropractor Dr. Jennifer Tengra of Balanced Body Chiropractic provides unsurpassed care to her patients in and around the Arlington, TX area.
We are committed to helping you achieve your optimum health through safe and natural means customized treatment for your balanced body. Dr.Choo is a licensed acupuncturist and clinic herbalist and provides his patients with comfort, relief, and support du
We see our practice as a partnership between patient and practitioner. We are dedicated to the use of both alternative and conventional methods to facilitate the body's innate healing response.
Plaisance Chiropractic. We take a balanced, holistic approach to healing patients of all ages in the St. Louis metropolitan area. Dr. Denise Plaisance uses both patient consultation and painless techniques to help identify your specific body issues. Pl
We don't just see a person's illness at The Colorado Center for Balanced Health and Biofeedback (TCCBHB), we see the whole person. We support you with therapies to balance the body thus allowing your body to do what it knows best which is often heal. We
You deserve to live without pain. You have the right to have a healthier, balanced body. It is about learning, understanding and taking care of your body to improve your quality of life.
You deserve to live without pain. You have the right to have a healthier, balanced body. It is about learning, understanding and taking care of your body to improve your quality of life.
You deserve to live without pain. You have the right to have a healthier, balanced body. It is about learning, understanding and taking care of your body to improve your quality of life.