Beit Ayin provides a pathway that allows people to experience and embrace Jewish spiritual practices that transform the human self into the Divine Self. We offer ongoing Jewish spiritual experiences; a community that deepens the awareness of the Divine in
Terpidana kasus BLBI Ayin yang tak bisa hadir memenuhi panggilan KPK dengan alasan sakit, ternyata masih berstatus bebas bersyarat. Ayin pun masih diwajibkan lapor secara berkala.
Tim penyidik KPK telah berada di Singapura untuk meminta keterangan Artalyta Suryani alias Ayin. Ayin akan diperiksa sebagai saksi dalam kasus suap Bupati Buol, Amran Batalipu.
Our new website is a work in progress in the menatime please go to and sign in with the password anyintov and the email address [email protected] to view some of the designs