Axtell Expressions Puppets, Animatronics & Magic provides the entertainment world with creative solutions to entertainment needs. Theme Parks, Ventriloquists, Magicians, Video and Film Producers, Church Minstries and School Educators all purchase and
Axtell Expressions Puppets, Animatronics & Magic provides the entertainment world with creative solutions to entertainment needs. Theme Parks, Ventriloquists, Magicians, Video and Film Producers, Minstries and Educators all benefit from Axtell Products
The Platypus Song and P-P-Platypus Puppet are famous from the Axtv321 Youtube video by Steve Axtell. Here you can get your Free Ringtones and download the Platypus Song! Search the world, and you'll have a tough time finding such high quality ventriloqu
Axtell Expressions provides the International Performers Directory as a courtesy to the entertainment world. You'll find ventriloquists, magicians and other international performers in this online direcorty.