First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m
bioMérieux Culture Media : educational tool to help identify species and show specimen protocols. bioMérieux, world leader in microbiology, helps you identify bacterial species on culture media. Shows plates inoculated on PREVI Isola - the reference metho
bioMérieux Culture Media : educational tool to help identify species and show specimen protocols. bioMérieux, world leader in microbiology, helps you identify bacterial species on culture media. Shows plates inoculated on PREVI Isola
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m
we develop robotics systems for yeast arrays. The BioMatrix is for more of a power user; it is higher throughput, fully automated and can include stackers and cherry picking options.
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See the m