Watercolor and oil painting, art workshop schedule, and art galleries with paintings by Dale Laitinen, artist and active workshop instructor. Dale is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society (NWS) and Watercolor West (WW). He has been feature
Celebrities are not born they are branded. Learn the most successful marketing and branding secrets used by the top record labels by attending our workshops, coaching and consultation sessions. Have the advantage others won't have in a lifetime. This is M
Sandra Flitcroft creates healing art. Making art alone is wonderful. Sharing ideas, resources and techniques is better. Encouraging other people to go deep, to express themselves through art, is sacred work, healing work. It is Art with Spirit.
Watermark is a Christchurch printworkshop working with select contemporary New Zealand artists. Purchase limited edition original intaglios, etchings and woodcuts online.
Sharon Arts, based in Peterborough, NH, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the relationship between artists and their communities through education, art classes, art workshops, exhibitions and galleries.
Voice line is a new Delhi, India based unit, that specializes in training of vocal communication, voice overs techniques for Individuals, and groups. To take the corporate training in speaking and presentation skills to a higher level , Voice line is