Appen is a global leader in speech and search technology services, with expertise in more than 180 languages. Enhance your machine learning with our high quality, human annotated data.
Herzlichen Willkommen bei der Ambulanten Pflege von Appen GmbH in Hamburg. Wir haben bei der Qualitätsprüfung des Medizinischen Dienstes die Note 1,2 bekommen.
Herzlichen Willkommen bei der Ambulanten Pflege von Appen GmbH in Hamburg. Wir haben bei der Qualitätsprüfung des Medizinischen Dienstes die Note 1,2 bekommen.
Change Management, Leadership Development, Coaching: Ziele definieren, Lösungen entwickeln, Potenziale aktivieren. Beratung und Coaching mit Kerstin Sarah von Appen
Appen’s global network of specialists and in-country virtual teams, assures that products perform in every market, to drive brand growth and gain competitive advantage.
Appen’s global network of specialists and in-country virtual teams, assures that products perform in every market, to drive brand growth and gain competitive advantage.
Appen Media Group's profile on Issuu, a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers.
Appen Media Group's profile on Issuu, a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers.
Tuva är appen för digital grannsamverkan. Tillsammans förebygger vi brott och kan enkelt rapportera om något händer, direkt i telefonen. Samarbeta med grannar och andra nätverk och skapa en tryggare vardag för alla.
Appen’s global network of specialists and in-country virtual teams, assures that products perform in every market, to drive brand growth and gain competitive advantage.
Appen’s global network of specialists and in-country virtual teams, assures that products perform in every market, to drive brand growth and gain competitive advantage.
Jesteśmy autorami tekstów, zdjęć, map i filmów do wydawanych przez nas turystycznych przewodników, informatorów, albumów, filmów, publikacji cyfrowych i aplikacji mobilnych.