AOPA Romania este Asociatia pilotilor si proprietarilor de aeronave din Romania si isi propune pe de o parte, sa reprezinte interesele noastre in fata organelor de reglementare, si pe de alta parte sa ajute membrii sai sa zboare mai mult si mai in siguran
Wayne E. Mauro, Esq. is an Aviation and Criminal Defense Attorney, AOPA - Panel Attorney, an expert in FAA laws, aviation regulations, FAA enforcement and pilot action. Free initial consultation. Contact at 609-618-7800.
AOPA Malta - - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association is a non-profit making organisation which constantly works to safeguard the interests of pilots and aircraft owners....
Learn to fly - Start today by accepting AOPA's offer for six free issues of AOPA Flight Training Magazine and free access to pilot training and aviation resources to help you become a pilot. Access flight instructor and flight school directories, a real-t