Digital filmmaking, animated short films, 3d Animation and the world of visual storytelling. Learn how to excite your audience with storytelling techniques that work, how professional and established filmmaking techniques can make your visuals more appeal
Animation Magazine is the largest animation website and only international magazine in the world devoted to breaking daily news and in-depth articles and profiles about animated films, TV series, cartoons, new media, visual effects and CG software and tec
The Animation Show of Shows is the finest selection of award-winning animated shorts from the last 16 years, available to buy on DVD, Box Set, or as HD download
The Animation Show of Shows is the finest selection of award-winning animated shorts from the last 16 years, available to buy on DVD, Box Set, or as HD download
e-mail: [email protected] Blog Films About Showreel Commercials Name: Felix Massie Location: London, U.K. e-mail: [email protected] Felix Massie is a writer, director and animator who lives in...