Singles Anglican is an online dating advice serivce that offers free information and tips to single Anglicans. Absoluetly no charges ever, the site is 100% FREE!
Singles Free Anglican offers numerous dating advice and tips for single Anglicans. There is no registration necessary and no charges ever, everything is FREE!
Whitby Anglicans are about people and about God. We are the Anglican Parish of Whitby in Porirua, New Zealand. Our worship services are held at St Mary’s Church.
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The online centre of the Anglican (Episcopal) world. Anglicans Online is independent, comprehensive, contemporary, reliable, and fair. More Anglican church leaders read Anglicans Online than all other sites combined.
The Pastoral Provision established in 1980 by Blessed Pope John Paul II in response to requests from priests and laity of the Episcopal Church who were seeking full communion with the Catholic Church.
Not sure what it means to be an Anglican any more? Me either. Seems our "Via Media" is trying to become all things to all people, but sometimes lines must be drawn. I'm planning to draw a few. Your call whether you agree or not.