Are you ready to be harmonized and amplified to extraordinary heights? Want to excel beyond belief and design your own odyssey? If your pipe dreams or bucket list alchemized into reality, how would that feel? My one-month customized group coaching
Business Coaching and Mentoring for Women, specialising in Internet Marketing, Brand Strategy, in the Feminine Business model to amplify your magnetic presence.
If all the world’s a stage, then it’s time to put you, your message and your mission in the spotlight. You want to be a part of something bigger. You want to…
Gina Senarighi, MFT, CPC, Couples Therapy & Relationship Coaching in Portland, OR. Helping couples be even stronger together. Daring Way™ groups, events, and retreats for women and couples based on the book Daring Greatly by Dr. Brené Brown. Inspiring
Are you ready to be harmonized and amplified to extraordinary heights? Want to excel beyond belief and design your own odyssey? If your pipe dreams or bucket list alchemized into reality, how would that feel? My one-month customized group coaching