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I'm an artist, a geek, and a redhead. I love technology and art in pretty much all of their forms. One time I let a snail crawl over my finger just to see what it would feel like. If you'd like to contact me you can reach me here: email: Malto
Sullinger Doberman with Kimbertal and Hoytt,Altobello,Del Montegrappa,De Grande Vinko Bloodlines,has been raising and training Doberman Pinschers since 2004 years in TX. We consider ourselves to be distinguished Breeders of outstanding Dobermans.
Altobello-Giannone Construction, LLC provides high end home, kitchen and bathroom remodeling to the Philadelphia area. Since 2000, we have been remodeling kitchens and bathrooms, building patios and decks and working with home owners in Northern Liberties
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Erebus Dobermann Kennel, selective breeding, high quality dobermanns, European champion bloodlines, info about litters, puppies, news, show results, work results
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world class european lines in British Columbia at Roulettes. Canadian Kennel Club member good standing. Healthy doberman in British Columbia, protection. Established breeder. google3908958cb290d2ec.html