Custom Risk Marketing Tool is an interactive calculator that displays your fund’s automatically updated risk metrics and calculates these metrics for the portfolio of your prospective investors as well as for the hypothesized allocation mix.
Portfolio optimization software at an affordable price. Products designed for both investment professionals and sophisticated personal investors. We currently offer two stand-alone mean-variance optimizers: VisualMvo (single period) and MvoPlus (multi-per
IP-Admin Centralized IP Address Manager, is a web-based enterprise IP address management solution software allowing administrators to take control of their Internet Protocol network. Keep track of your IP address assignments with an easy to navigate inter
Medical Data Applications, Ltd. (MDA) provides analytical tools, consulting services, and customized software solutions for healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations.
Optimize your investment portfolio. Portfolio Monkey is an integrated tool for asset allocation, portfolio rebalancing, calculating expected investment return, risk analysis, stock screening, and backtesting.
Personal Finance - Simplified: free online financial advisor and personal financial planning tools to help with investments, retirement planning and savings