Enlightened Equipment Offers Ultralight camping quilts for backpacking, bikepacking, and paddling adventures. Down or synthetic compact quilt-style sleeping bags and outdoor gear made in Minnesota, USA.
Anchal merges design, business, and education to empower marginalized and exploited women living in India. Shop one-of-a-kind kantha scarves, quilts & pillows handcrafted from vintage sari by Anchal artisans. Help us design change by shopping with pur
Embrace the stories of your life. Best price guaranteed, over 80,000 sold! With Project Repat T Shirt Quilts and Blankets, wrap yourself in your tshirt memories
Hundreds of free quilt patterns and quilting tutorials. We add new quilt projects and quilt tips every day. Some of our readers favorites include Christmas quilt decorations, baby quilt patterns, quilt block ideas, and children's quilts.
High quality, ultra light camping and backpacking gear, hammock and hammock suspension systems and ultra light down quilts that keep you comfortable in any
Shop online the full Tontine bedding range. Shop from of quality quilts, doonas, pillows, underlays, mattress protectors, pillow protectors, mattress toppers, kids bedding range. Free shipping on all online orders over $30. View the full range online now.
We design and manufacture the highest quality ultralight backpacking gear: backpacking quilts, backpacks, and accessories for your next lightweight adventure.
The Quilting Gallery features free patterns, tutorials, tips and techniques, videos, guest bloggers, swaps, contests and fabulous photos of finished quilts. You'll also find the Quilting Bloggers directory with more than 4,000 quilters from around t
Quilt History is the site you should turn to first for information on our quilting heritage. The List discusses antique quilts, methods and fabrics used and the life and times of the women who made them. Archives are available on line. This site has li
Delaware Quilts is all about
quilters retreats, quilt blocks, quilts, and quilting,
with just a little bit of quilting friends and family added for interest!