Windancer offers psychic intuitive readings, soul profiles and property clearing, accessing the Akashic Record and communicating with departed loved ones and spirit guides.
This website provides information on Soul-level healing and guidance for lightworkers, healers, and Indigos; Akashic Record Reading and Clearing; Soul Relationship Healing. Jill Miller.
Laura Lagos es la principal difusora de los Registros Akáshicos en el mundo. Miembro de los últimos dos Directorios de ARCI. Originadora de las Constelaciones Akáshicas, Transpersonal Clearing y Biología Holística.
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Indigo Reiki(tm) Energy Healing is a calming, tranquil energy that integrates the energy of Usui Reiki and the vibrational frequency of the color Indigo.
an incredible healing method that works on a soul level to release negative programming that allows the soul to move into its full expression of joy and prosperity
Ultimate 24-Strand DNA Activation & Akashic Records Clearing - Worldwide by Distance. Includes 12 & 24-Strand DNA Activation & Akashic Records Clearing.