Crystal S. Stump, an adoptive mother and attorney, concentrates her state-wide West Virginia law practice in international adoption and readoption as well as domestic adoption including foster adopt, step-parent adoption and co-parent adoptions.
Yorkies, Maltese, Morkies, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Yorkie Poo, For Sale For Adoption Ohio Pennsylvania Michigan Indiana Yorkshire Terrier Kentucky West Virginia Cavapoo Cava Poo
Animal Friends of Barbour County, a non-profit organization in rural West Virginia, making a difference in the treatment of animals through adoption and rescue as well as encouraging responsible pet ownership, spaying and neutering. We are always in need
West Virginia attorneys handling personal injury, estate planning, bankruptcy, real estate and family law issues such as divorce, child custody, and adoption
The Kanawha-Charleston Humane Association is committed to saving the lives of animals by sheltering, adoption, foster care, altering, & cruelty prevention.
Charleston divorce lawyer at the law office of Julia B. Shalhoup helps clients prioritize disputes that arise during divorce to reach resolutions that work in the long term.
Vista Dei Shetland Sheepdogs is a small show kennel located in Western Pennsylvania. We have been raising shelties for over a decade specializing in dogs with the health, structure, drive and temperment to excell in performance events such as agility, obe
The Kanawha-Charleston Humane Association is committed to saving the lives of animals by sheltering, adoption, foster care, altering, & cruelty prevention.
Animal Friends of North Central West Virginia (AFNCWV) is committed to ending the mistreatment and killing of all animals by promoting public awareness.