Adjunct Job is the place to find professor, instructor and other teaching positions in colleges and university across the nation. Part-time and temporary listings.
job seekers can find part-time and adjunct teaching positions at colleges and universitiesand higher education institutions can find experts for part-time teaching positions.
Shauna Devine, Ph. D. Visiting Research Fellow, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Medical History, Department of Surgery, and Adjunct Professor, Department of History, Western University. Read more . . .
Adjunct Professor salary statistics by location. View graphs and statistics for Adjunct Professor salary. Average range is from $73,440 to $110,160 and the starting range is from $60,480 to $90,720.
The Adjunct Project seeks to empower CUNY Graduate Center student-workers by serving as a resource to: raise consciousness about academic labor issues inside and outside CUNY,educate GC adjuncts about ways to address these issues,and to activate GC studen
Northeastern University adjunct faculty coming together with the NEU community to improve student experience, educational quality and our working conditions.
Provides a web-based certification program for adjunct faculty based on the 10 Core Competencies (TM) required to function effectively as an educator in higher education settings and provides a graduate credit option.