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Articles about Russian adaptogens, unique herbs and other organic herbal knowledge and traditions -- rhodiola, chaga, leuzea, astragalus, aralia, eleutherococcus, schisandra and other organic herbs
Whether you’re facing a serious illness or simply wanting to improve your health and age gracefully, Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism provides the answers you’re seeking. Weaving together the ancient wisdom of herbalism with the most up-to-date scientific
Whether you’re facing a serious illness or simply wanting to improve your health and age gracefully, Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism provides the answers you’re seeking. Weaving together the ancient wisdom of herbalism with the most up-to-date scientific
Whether you’re facing a serious illness or simply wanting to improve your health and age gracefully, Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism provides the answers you’re seeking. Weaving together the ancient wisdom of herbalism with the most up-to-date scientific
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e+ energy shot is nutrient-packed and naturally-caffeinated. e+ contains caffeine derived from green tea and yerba maté, and a scientifically proven blend of adaptogenic botanicals that increases energy, stamina and alertness.