If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to view adult material in your community, please leave. Under no circumstances does the creator of this site consent to or has knowledge of any illegal activity committed by anyone associated with this
DayStay is an NC Licensed & Certified adult day care program located in Candler, North Carolina. Our activity driven program provides socialization and personal care in a community-based group setting both for active seniors, as well as individuals with d
[GReY] is an adult gaming community focused on bullshit-free gaming experiences on all consoles and genres. We welcome all types/activity levels of gamers, but are adult gamers with a few evenings a week on average. We enjoy gaming on Xbox One, PS4, PC, a
AGE provides activity consulting services that address Quality of Life issues affecting geriatric populations in healthcare, adult daycare, assisted living and in the community.
Incorporated in 1980 as HGA Non-Profit Homes, Inc. HGA began providing residential services in group home settings and Adult Activity Day Program Services. We contract with Muskegon, Newaygo and West Michigan Community Mental Health agencies.
Since that
Incorporated in 1980 as HGA Non-Profit Homes, Inc. HGA began providing residential services in group home settings and Adult Activity Day Program Services. We contract with Muskegon, Newaygo and West Michigan Community Mental Health agencies.
Since that
MassCAP is a membership organization for Activity Professionals who work in nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, senior centers, senior residences, community agencies, and adult day health.
McFarland Parks & Recreation offers the residents and community of McFarland, CA great activities including youth sports, adult sports and programs, recreation center programs as well as senior programs too. Visit McFarland Parks & Recreation today!
Carlin House Assisted Living, a planned retirement community in Logan, Ohio, offers a full range of accommodations to meet the many needs of our residents.
Tonto Verde is a stunning Arizona Golf Course Community near Scottsdale. Whether Tonto Verde is your permanent residence, your retirement home or your vacation home, you
Tonto Verde is a stunning Arizona Golf Course Community near Scottsdale. Whether Tonto Verde is your permanent residence, your retirement home or your vacation home, you
Tonto Verde is a stunning Arizona Golf Course Community near Scottsdale. Whether Tonto Verde is your permanent residence, your retirement home or your vacation home, you
Tonto Verde is a stunning Arizona Golf Course Community near Scottsdale. Whether Tonto Verde is your permanent residence, your retirement home or your vacation home, you
Tonto Verde is a stunning Arizona Golf Course Community near Scottsdale. Whether Tonto Verde is your permanent residence, your retirement home or your vacation home, you
Tonto Verde is a stunning Arizona Golf Course Community near Scottsdale. Whether Tonto Verde is your permanent residence, your retirement home or your vacation home, you
Barnabas Fellowship, Impact Services, In His Arms Recovery, Monday Night Bible Fellowship, and Fellowship of Men. We give a brief history of the ministry and offer our ministry philosophy.
Tonto Verde is a stunning Arizona Golf Course Community near Scottsdale. Whether Tonto Verde is your permanent residence, your retirement home or your vacation home, you