The ACBL Unit 533 web site gives information for Palm Springs Coachella Valley bridge clubs, bridge games schedules, bridge results, bridge news, bridge lessons, bridge classes.
ACBL District 17 Official Site. District 17 of the American Contract Bridge League has the purpose of organizing regional Bridge tournaments in the Southwestern and some mountain states: AZ, CO, NM, plus parts of NV, WY, UT and far western TX
Your gateway to non-stop bridge action in District 7 of the ACBL, which includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Eastern Tennessee, and the western tip of Virginia. We want you to play bridge and enjoy!
We are the Northeast Kansas Unit of the ACBL, offering games in Lawrence, Leavenworth, Manhattan and Topeka. We provide many opportunities to earn ACBL masterpoints through participation in our open games and tournaments.