abuses.net is your first and best source for information about Abuse . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!
HERA (Housing and Economic Rights Advocates) is a California statewide, not-for-profit legal service and advocacy organization. HERA's mission is to ensure that all people are protected from discrimination and economic abuses, especially in the realm
City Of Houston Water Department Abuses Power By Tricking Citizens Into Paying $1,000s More Than They Should For Plain Old Houston WATER Could it be in the $1,000,000s by now?
A forum to voice opinions, share stories and call others to action to prevent and respond to human rights abuses, especially violence against women and girls.
IHOP only uses eggs from hens crammed into battery cages, where hens spend their entire lives in a space smaller than a sheet of paper. Tell IHOP to stop supporting the worst abuses of factory farmed animals.
« Un petit nombre d’hommes de mauvaise foi vit aux dépens de l’ignorance d’un grand nombre d’hommes abusés; si l’on éclaire les dupes, que deviendront les fripons ? » Buseaux de Pusy, 8.05.1790
Dire la vérité sur les pratiques plus que douteuses de la protection de l'enfance, censé venir en aide aux enfants en difficultés.
150 000 enfants placés et l'IGAS reconnais 50% inutilement.
Habeas for the Twenty-First Century. A new book on habeas corpus, with bold recommendations for change based on a comprehensive and thoughtful analaysis of the writ’s role over the past two centuries, as well as the latest empirical research about its op
Mineral supply chain due diligence assurance. Our dedicated team works together day-in and day-out to bring supply chain assurance to a complex, connected
Detroit Eviction Defense is a coalition of homeowners, union members, faith-based activists, community advocates, and others united in the struggle against foreclosure and eviction. We believe that affordable housing is a human right, the foundation of