Perpetual Peace, Political Theory, Philosophy, Art and Architecture, Immanuel Kant, politics, urban policy, research, collaboration, conflict, practice
Elizabeth Clemants is a mediator, educator, coach and shaman. In each of these roles, Elizabeth integrates the skills and theory of conflict resolution in her support of individuals in their personal and professional growth.
This site contains indrotuction to the theory of constraints, the thinking process, the conflict resolution, to mind tools, power memory technics, mind mapping, piloting, flying, ppl, aircraft rental, meteorology. Diese Seite enth
Elizabeth Clemants is a mediator, educator, coach and shaman. In each of these roles, Elizabeth integrates the skills and theory of conflict resolution in her support of individuals in their personal and professional growth.
Articles by Charles Sutherland and reader comments. A collection of links to myriad doctrine documents, publications, and manuals to include Joint, Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guar
Mike Rice, Court Counseling Services, Inc. - Mesa, AZ. Mike applies Dr. William Glasser's Choice Theory to treating drug and alcohol abuse and forming improved relationships with the people you care about most
Exploring how science and evolutionary biology and Christianity inform each other. Provides a plausible reconciliation of Christianity and evolutionary biology
This book addresses inherent limitations in science and religion. It also considers philosophy to the extent that philosophy contributes to method in science and religion.
Through training and support, Environmental Dispute Resolution USA helps communities, business, and groups end environmental gridlock and develop effective strategies for future success.
Site portraits an internationally-known scholar, consultant, and lecturer in music education offering strategies for the successful interaction between constituents in and outside of music