Since 1996, ZMM assists national and international companies in the temporary placement of challenging management positions. We offer more than 3,000 carefully selected and highly qualified interim professionals from all industries, regions and functions
Since 1996, ZMM assists national and international companies in the temporary placement of challenging management positions. We offer more than 3,000 carefully selected and highly qualified interim professionals from all industries, regions and functions
Since 1996, ZMM assists national and international companies in the temporary placement of challenging management positions. We offer more than 3,000 carefully selected and highly qualified interim professionals from all industries, regions and functions
Since 1996, ZMM assists national and international companies in the temporary placement of challenging management positions. We offer more than 3,000 carefully selected and highly qualified interim professionals from all industries, regions and functions
Since 1996, ZMM assists national and international companies in the temporary placement of challenging management positions. We offer more than 3,000 carefully selected and highly qualified interim professionals from all industries, regions and functions
Seit 1993 stellen wir unseren Kunden Interim Manager zur Verfügung in Situationen, in denen es entweder schnell gehen muss oder schon absehbar ist, dass das Engagement nur eine begrenzte Zeit dauern wird. Unsere {l:c,Referenzliste} zeigen zuverl
Ekkehard Grenz - Power für die operative Performance - Interimmanagement-Power auf Zeit - Interimmanagement - Changemanagement - Manager auf Zeit - Zeitmanagement - Interimsmanagement
Managemant auf Zeit, die Interimmanger fuer besondere Situationen im Unternehmen, die zeitlich begrenzte Platzierung von Fuehrungskraeften in Unternehmen, diese werden mit kurzfrsitigen Aufgaben betraut und uebernehmen Fuehrungsaufgaben, global