revue about yiddish theatre theater and culture for non-speakers of the language travels everywhere musical cast of three fast-paced irreverent eclectic entertaining hilarious new york NYC now young
Alexandra Gorelik, performer of Yiddish folk songs, graduated from the Academy of Theatrical Arts in Moscow. She worked in the Yiddish drama theatre and subsequently established her own musical theatre of Jewish songs, where old and modern ballads, parabl
Betty Reicher, Chansons françaises et yiddish, auteur compositeur interprète. Comédienne dans la troupe du Troïm Teater, théâtre yiddish, Metteur en scène et directrice artistique du Cabaret Yiddish parisien
SUMMATION Michael Yashinsky is an opera director currently on staff at Michigan Opera Theatre and a teacher of Spanish, Yiddish, and drama at Frankel Jewish Academy. Trained in foreign languages and literatures, dramatics, history. Wandering peddler of h
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