“Hear, O Yashra'al: YAHUAH our Alahiym, YAHUAH is one! “And you shall love YAHUAH your Alahiym with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might. And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart, and you shal
YAHUAH Elohim Of Heaven Our Creator and Savior and Redeemer The Elohim's Name in this Ancient Hebrew with The Ten Commandments inscribed by the finger of
The Kingdom of [YAHUAH] Elohim Is Near! Repent and Believe in the Good News of the Kingdom. And Believe in Yahusha Messiah for Forgiveness of Sins. The
Let Us Sing For Joy To YAHUAH Elohim Almighty O come, let us sing for joy to YAHUAH, Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before
YAHUAH Elohim Of Heaven Our Creator and Savior The Elohim's Name in this Ancient Hebrew with The Ten Commandments inscribed by the finger of YAHUAH Elohim on
YAHUAH Is The Only Name Of The Creator And Savior And Redeemer on the tablets of The Ten Commandments written by YAHUAH, appears in Dead Sea Scrolls, Tehillim
YAHUAH Is The Only Name Of The Creator And Savior And Redeemer and Elohiym of Israel and The Only Name That Brings Salvation YAHUAH Is the Only Name of the
The true message: The Kingdom of YAHUAH is Near, Repent and Believe in the Good News of the Kingdom The True salvation: Call upon the name YAHUAH to be saved.
YAHUAH The Only Name Of The Creator And Savior And Redeemer Of Israel and The Only Name That Brings Salvation YAHUAH Is the Only Name of the Creator and Savior