Awakening the Soul - A Journey to Inner Wisdom and Healing. Founder Beatriz Orive offers spiritual enlightenment workshops, as well as energy medicine healing, to inquisitive women who seek the sacred feminine path along their journey of spiritual awakeni
Ingrid Goff Maidoff - Poet, mystic, encourager of spirit. Living In Love E-course Celebration,Tending Joy Blog.Book Arts, Soul Wisdom and Gifts from the heart of Martha's Vineyard.
Ingrid Goff Maidoff - Poet, mystic, encourager of spirit. Living In Love E-course Celebration,Tending Joy Blog.Book Arts, Soul Wisdom and Gifts from the heart of Martha's Vineyard.
Your body and soul connection for unleashing creativity, passion and purpose. Free tools to connect to your hidden wisdom and embrace your authentic self.
Ingrid Goff Maidoff - Poet, mystic, encourager of spirit. Living In Love E-course Celebration,Tending Joy Blog.Book Arts, Soul Wisdom and Gifts from the heart of Martha's Vineyard.
Soul Emporium: Using the Arts to Add to the Culture of Wisdom, Where Action Springs from the Sacred.
The human race is at a tipping point: Grow more disconnected from each other and the earth, or become more deeply connected to each other and the earth.
Ingrid Goff Maidoff - Poet, mystic, encourager of spirit. Living In Love E-course Celebration,Tending Joy Blog.Book Arts, Soul Wisdom and Gifts from the heart of Martha's Vineyard.
Your body and soul connection for unleashing creativity, passion and purpose. Free tools to connect to your hidden wisdom and embrace your authentic self.