The Green Wedding Alliance connects a community of environmentally & socially responsible vendors with the conscious consumer for mindful weddings & events.
The Wedding Alliance is a network of professionals who provide resources for members of the community, straight and LGBT, as they plan for their wedding.
The Wedding Alliance is a network of professionals who provide resources for members of the community, straight and LGBT, as they plan for their wedding.
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Everything you need to plan your wedding, literally! Wedding dresses, planning tools, wedding ideas, inspiration, photos, plus the best wedding vendors.
Indian Wedding Site helps South Asians planning their Indian Wedding in America. Find Indian wedding vendors and advice on clothing, cards, jewelry, decorations, favors, outfits, music and traditions.
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WeddingZ, India's leading wedding planning website. Find wedding venues & vendors across Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune etc. Contact WeddingZ & get up to 30% discount.
World Of Wedding is a perfect market place to find the right wedding decorators, catering services, wedding planners, wedding photographers. Here you can search for the perfect wedding dresses, vendors, and wedding venues in Delhi NCR at just a click.